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A La Carte (July 15)


Today’s Kindle deals include a book by Todd Friel, a book about knowing the will of God, as well as a lot of commentaries.

Westminster Books is offering 50% off the smallest ESVs you can buy. Beyond that, they’ve got deals on lots of other great editions of the Bible.

Sipping Poison Won’t Make You Wise

Benjamin Merkle: “This type of temptation still pulls at each of us with an incredible power. We feel that tasting a forbidden thing will bring us greater wisdom and make us more impressive. In fact, think of how easily we can feel embarrassed by all the sins we haven’t committed! We can actually become ashamed of our own innocence. Who wants to be naïve and inexperienced? How many Christian kids are embarrassed by their virginity, even though they’re convinced they’re right in preserving it until marriage?”

Even this, Lord Jesus?

“There are times, then, when we really need to sit back, breathe deeply, and think clearly about some of the beautifully true statements that the Scriptures make about the consolation that is in Christ Jesus, to roll their flavour around our palette, and to remind ourselves that all of this is right and faithful.”

The Dangerous Consequences of Ignoring Context

Context matters! “Yes, context matters. We won’t tire of repeating this key to interpreting the Bible because ignoring context is not just misguided, it is dangerous.”

Resuming Breakneck Speed

Many writers have warned of the temptation to quickly revert to breakneck speed. Here’s another: “We weren’t made to live at breakneck speed. And I think we’ve found that life doesn’t need to lived at it either. We were designed to work and rest: to work—because we are made in the image of a creative, working God; to rest—because we are only image bearers, and not God. We read that after his work of creation he rested—not because he was tired but to set the pattern for us to follow.”

Questions Of Truth (and Love) (oh And Unity…)

It’s true, this. “It seems to me that part of the witness of the church, in these troubled times for truth, will be the modelling of gracious debate that shows true love and a passion for the truth. Pointedly for evangelicals, I think we have a reputation for being hard-nosed about the truth with some and unwilling to raise the issues with others.”

The Race To Decode A Mysterious Language (Video)

I thought this was quite an interesting video about decoding a mysterious language.

When You Struggle With People Pleasing in Ministry

Don’t we all struggle with people-pleasing at times? “If you know a people pleaser in ministry, check on them. We are not okay. In ministry, there are a lot of people to please, and on a good day, there are a variety of ways to please them, which is a lot to keep up with.”

Flashback: 12 Marks of Excellent Pastoral Ministry

The gospel is worthy of a minister’s agony for his labor has eternal significance.

Hope is not a situation. Hope is not a location. Hope is not a possession. Hope is not an experience. Hope is more than an insight or a truism. Hope is a person, and his name is Jesus!

—Paul David Tripp

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