It’s Amazon’s Prime Day, which means they’ve got a selection of Kindle Books on sale, as well as Kindle devices. And, of course, lots of other stuff.
Also, you may be interested in knowing that Cruciform Press has released a new volume from Keri Folmar in her ongoing Bible study series. This one is on Titus. (See it at Cruciform or Amazon.)
Should Jesus Be the Point of Every OT Sermon?
I appreciate this handling of what’s kind of a tricky question.
Liberals’ Astonishingly Radical Shift On Gender
It is as astonishing as it is radical!
Pastor, Keep Preaching the Gospel
“Pastor, be encouraged, keep your head down, keep planting and watering by faithfully preaching the gospel of Jesus, and you can know God is working through it even when you don’t know.”
How Millennials Replaced Religion with Astrology and Crystals
“Growing up, Garza said she was never particularly religious — her parents were Christian but not devout when she was growing up — and as she’s advanced her spiritual practice, she said she feels even more disconnected from traditional organized religion.”
It’s Not About the Dragons
“Life lessons aren’t something to be sought after. They simply happen to find us.” Ain’t that the truth!
How Do We Limit Narcissistic Leadership Tendencies In the Church?
There are lots of good reflections here, including this: “If we allow things to centre on one man, we feed narcissism. The more we spread authority and power – functionally and relationally – we limit the possibility of narcissism being able to take hold.”
Why Archaeology Makes Faith Less ‘Blind’
“Though not everyone will have the chance to go on a dig, there are unique benefits (and I believe blessings) that come from studying biblical archaeology.”
Flashback: The Damning Devastation of a Single Coddled Sin
We must go hard after every sin and to pursue each one until it has been completely crushed, for even one sin left alone is enough to do terrible damage to our souls.