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A La Carte (July 15)

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Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include some great picks like Kevin DeYoung’s The Hole in Our Holiness and Dane Ortlund’s Deeper.

Book Brief: Baseball lovers will enjoy Russell Carleton’s The New Ballgame which shows how the game has changed, especially since the dawn of the era of analytics. It wrestles with how to protect the game we love while also adapting to the times. Fascinating!

The Desires of Your Heart

Psalm 37 promises, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Christopher Ash says, “Doesn’t that sound terrific? Anything I want, and it will be mine! Until I think a little harder. Suppose my heart desires for my boss to be sick or die. Will God give me that? Suppose my heart desires, by some deceit, to get the credit for something I didn’t do. Will God give me that?”

Contentment Isn’t Only for Hard Times

“It’s natural to seek teaching on contentment amid suffering. We feel the urge for a settled and joyful soul when we’re waiting for marriage, struggling to pay the bills, or embroiled in conflict. Those are the times we seek Bible studies or books on contentment, or open up at one of Paul’s many passages on the topic.” But contentment isn’t only for the hard times, as Cassie explains here.

Interpreting the Bible Through the Lens of Literature

God has creatively used various kinds of writing to reveal Himself. Join Todd Chipman for free to study biblical interpretation through the lens of literature with For The Church Institute at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College. (Sponsored)

On the Hosting of Mission Teams

Phil Hunt has hosted a host of mission teams over the years and, on the basis of his experience, offers a few tips for those who are heading overseas. (As it happens, I’m visiting Phil this week at his home in Zambia, so will keep all of this in mind!)

Be Careful of Your Strengths

“When we attempt something that we failed at before, we plead for and depend on the Lord’s help. When we know we might be facing a big temptation in an area where we’re weak, we fortify ourselves with prayer and Scripture. But what about the areas where we feel strong, where we feel our best gifts are, where we feel we can function well?”

Yes, We’re Almost There

In hard times and on sad days it’s good to remember that we’re almost there. “You’re almost there, Christian, so keep trusting in the Lord even when times are difficult. You’re almost there, believer, so stay focused on God’s glory and don’t let the things of the world lead you astray.”

May Love Be

This is a sweet new poem from Esther.

Flashback: When Christians Just Don’t Read the Bible

Instead of badgering people with their lack of commitment, impress them with the joy of being in the Bible.

In this life, your scar may not go away, but neither will His. He understands. He cares. He’s there.

—Robert Kellemen

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