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A La Carte (July 13)


May the God of love and peace be with you today.

There’s a nice little list of Kindle deals to look through.

(Yesterday on the blog: Dusting When the Light Is Dim)

You Will Fail Sometimes. Don’t Quit.

“Living the Christian life has to be an honest endeavor. One where we admit that we stink at some of the things we’re supposed to be good at. One where we ask God to examine us, to show us our true struggles, to change us by His power.”

Why “Abba” Does Not Mean “Daddy”

Despite some people’s insistence, there is no good evidence to claim that “abba” means “daddy.”

Should Christians Cuss?

Denny Burk: “For some time now, I have had a growing pastoral concern about Christians using foul language. This concern has been driven in no small part by well-known pastors who commend the use of foul language and who do so based on foul language that they perceive to be in scripture.”

Back to Normal Post-COVID? Not Everywhere

This article from IMB can direct your prayers as you pray for the world, for it reminds us that many places are still experiencing waves of COVID and all the restrictions that come with them.

Why You Should Embrace Boredom

This is one of those things I do well with for a time, then go through times of total failure.

A Hidden Beauty

Chris Thomas writes movingly of hidden beauty. “This is the Australian Outback. Immortalised by European poets for over two centuries, but first recorded by an ancient people who etched and imprinted its story into the very escarpments they lived beneath. This was my childhood home.”

Finding Hope When You’ve Made Mistakes with Your Children

There is hope here for parents who know they’ve made mistakes with their children (which, I expect, includes all of us).

Flashback: The History of Nothing, No One, and Nowhere

As our culture has more and more rejected the notion of the providence of God, and indeed the very existence of God, history is being told in a way that is distinctly godless.

How can you expect to dwell with God forever if you so neglect and forsake him here?

—Jonathan Edwards

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