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A La Carte (July 11)

The Playschool Tragedy for Twentysomethings

This is true for so many people: “The twenties have become this new kind of ‘paradise’ in between childhood and real adulthood, when you can party hard, experiment with new things, and spend lots of money without feeling the consequences.”

17 Benefits to Reading the Entire Bible

17 seems like a lot, but I bet we could come up with many more!

You Are Smart Enough to Study the Bible

This article seems an appropriate follow-up to the previous one. “Few people use those words, but this captures the general sentiment. Many people feel inadequate or intimidated by the task of studying the Bible, so they never attempt it.”

Speaking Like a Christian

The last few days have offered many opportunities for all of us to speak like Christians (or not to speak like Christians).

This Day in 1979. 37 years ago today, David Platt was born. Happy birthday David!

Why Single Is Not the Same as Lonely

Sam Allberry: “It has become an unquestioned assumption today: Singleness (at least godly singleness) and intimacy are alternatives. A choice to be celibate is a choice to be alone. No wonder for so many this seems too much to bear. Can we really expect someone to live without romantic hope? It sounds so unfair.”

6 Reasons Why You Should Pray

David Qaoud looks to John Calvin to find 6 reasons you ought to pray.

Daily Quote Graphics

I’ve been looking for an appropriate place to store the daily quote graphics you find in A La Carte. I think Flickr is a good solution. So here’s the complete solution (at least for the ones available in high-resolution).

Flashback: 12 Ways To Preserve Christian Unity

“Satan hates God and therefore he hates God’s people, the church. His great plan for the church is to cause Christians—true believers who ought to be together in the gospel—to find ways of disagreeing among themselves, to divide, to be bitter and jealous, and ultimately to ‘bite and devour one another’ (Gal. 5:15). Here are twelve ways that you can repulse Satan’s attacks.”


Do not give fair names to foul sins. Call them what you will, they will smell no sweeter.


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