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A La Carte (July 10)

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The Lord be with you and bless you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a reader-friendly and Reformed commentary on Revelation.

This week at Westminster Books you’ll find a deal on Mark Vroegop’s excellent new book Waiting Isn’t a Waste.

Book Brief A lot of people in Canada and beyond are wondering “Who is Pierre Poilievre?” (FYI, his surname is pronounced “poly-EV.”) Pierre Poilievre: A Political Life introduces him as an ambitious lifelong politician who is avowedly politically conservative but not socially conservative—important information to know about the leading candidate to become Canada’s next Prime Minister. (Poilievre may be most famous for this interview.)

How the GOP Became Pro-Choice

Even from this side of the border, it has been distressing to see the GOP essentially declare itself to be pro-choice. Joe Carter does what he does so well and explains how it came to be this way. (Canada is similar in that the most conservative of our major parties—see Poilievre above—is pro-choice. Hence, we need to face the same issues and ask many of the same big questions.)

Forgive, and Be Forgiven

Jen Pollock Michel shares a moving piece of writing about death, sorrow, and forgiveness.

10 Non-Cringy ‘Faith-Based’ Movies

Christian movies are known for being cringy, but thankfully it’s not universally true. This list offers 10 examples.

How to Show Mormon Missionaries That the Bible Contradicts Their Gospel

I’m never sure how effective these apologetic tips actually are in practice, but knowing them certainly won’t do any harm. Robby Lashua explains how you can quickly and easily show Mormon missionaries that the Bible (which they profess to honor and believe) contradicts their gospel.

Do I Share the Gospel Now?

Ben Chow writes about one of those times when it was difficult to know whether or not he should share the gospel. I appreciate the way he thinks it through. It makes me think of people I have known who determined they would take just about every available opportunity, even if it risked their job.

The Practice of Arranged Marriages Among Christians in India

I have known a good many Indian people who have had arranged marriages and have thrived within them. In fact, I have had Indian Christians in Canada ask if the pastors here will take on the role many take in India and help arrange marriages for them. This article from TGC India describes the practice and offers some biblically-based thoughts on it.

Flashback: Leave and Cleave Like a Strawberry

They are independent, but not too distant. They are connected, but not suffocating. They’ve got room to grow but also room to spread their leaves.

God brought Jesus into the world through messed-up people. God saves messed-up people through Jesus. And God makes Jesus known to messed-up people using the messed-up people he saves.

—Aaron Armstrong

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