The Death of Bees – You have probably been hearing about bees dying en masse. This video explains why this is such a problem.
How the Gospel Ended My Same-Sex Relationship – This is a powerful piece of writing. “I just want to tell a little of my story, with the hope that maybe someone out there will hear me differently than so many of the aforementioned sound bites circulating right now. Warning: You may not like the way my story turns out.”
The Rising of the Beast in America? – Rick Phillips: “One of the most regrettable legacies of 20th century evangelicalism is the marginalizing of the book of Revelation as a guide to spiritual warfare during the church age.”
The History of Braces – “How did orthodontia—expensive, painful, and often medically unnecessary—become so popular?” It’s a reasonable question to ask.
Skinflints and Slackhands – “One of the great advantages of being in a church is that you may well know lots of useful people, people who know how to do stuff.” So we can take advantage of that, right?
The Confederate Flag Controversy – Joe Carter considers his “9 Things You Should Know” series with a look at the controversy surrounding the Confederate flag.