My vacation begins today and that means I’ll be scaling back my writing for a week or so. It will be either A La Carte or another article most days, not both. I’d love your prayers since we have a lot of driving to do while we head very far south (and since we’ve got Aussies, of all people, taking care of our place while we’re gone!).
Comfort for Christian Parents of Unconverted Children – Jim Elliff: “All Christian parents wish that God would show us something to do to secure our child’s salvation, and then ‘we’ll do it with all our might’ because we love our child so much. Yet, God has not made salvation the effect of somebody else’s faith; our son or daughter must come to Christ on his or her own.”
Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary? – This episode of Ask Pastor John has Michael Reeves as a guest and he explains the history behind Roman Catholics and their devotion to Mary.
War on Religious Liberty – Denny Burk points to a chilling new front in the war on religious liberty in the United States.
Married to Darwin – Marvin Olasky: “Theistic evolutionists say we must bend or die, but when we bend on something so basic, where do we stop? Is our chief task to glorify our Creator or to be glorified by other creatures? When Darwin trumps the Bible, what are we worshipping?”
A Sexual Revolution for Young Evangelicals? – Are we in the midst of a sexual revolution for young evangelicals? Russell Moore says no.
Evangelicals Who Are Not Evangelicals – Thomas Kidd says “There are at least four types of Christians who often get cast as evangelicals who really are not evangelicals, if that term has any meaning.”