Good morning. Grace and peace to you. And happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians.
Because this is peak summer and therefore an especially slow week in terms of traffic, I will be posting only A La Carte articles (with perhaps a book review or two along the way). My original articles will resume next week.
There are all sorts of new Kindle deals to look through today. The deal of the day is probably Andrew Peterson’s The God of the Garden.
(Yesterday on the blog: Beware of Idleness)
One of the Best Ways We Can Love Our Loved Ones
This article makes a simple but crucial point: love prays.
Poetry as a Means of Grace
“Walking is probably not the fastest way to get there, but getting there may not be the goal of the trip. Poetry is probably not the fastest way to communicate propositional truth, but it is possible that merely learning propositional truth is not the goal.”
The Cleansing Breeze (Video)
You’ll enjoy this celebration of the humble vulture.
The Redeeming, Soul-Depression of Jesus
“Depression is one of the dreadful shared human experiences of life in this fallen world. So many things work on each one of us, from within and from without, that we all have times and seasons when we feel ourselves drowning under the weight of the anxieties, pressures, and trials. This ultimately results in a depression of mind and heart. A distinction must be made here between what may be called sinful depression and sinless depression.”
Taking A Hard Look
“There are lots of places in the Bible I would remove if I could. Whether it’s a rule I don’t want to follow or a judgment that just seems too harsh for modern sensibilities, my fallen flesh would love to apply a bottle of white out to many verses. There’s one place, though, that’s nothing like that.”
Beauty is Found in the Most Unexpected Places
Sarah reminds us that beauty is often found in the most unexpected places.
Flashback: You Don’t Really Know Who Your Friends Are Until…
…when he became a hated criminal, when he was dragged before the courts and accused of crimes, his friends quickly made themselves scarce. They disappeared into the night, leaving him to fend for himself.