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A La Carte (January 9)

A La Carte Thursday 1

The God of love and peace be with you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include some excellent titles such as Mary Mohler’s book on gratitude. There are many others along with it.

(Yesterday on the blog: Thoughts on Digital Libraries in 2025)

Discipleship in the Reformed World

“The Reformed church has many obvious strengths. We prize robust theology, confessions, and historic Christianity. We are committed to church discipline and the regulative principle of worship. We deeply care about how we approach and think about God. These are all to be commended. But we should also be willing to acknowledge our weaknesses and to seek to correct and address them. One of these areas of weakness is discipleship…”

Nearness Is Enough

Kirsten Black tells about a time of intense suffering. “For years, I thought the nearness of God would mean that everything would be okay or, at the very least, feel okay. I hoped that his nearness would mean some sort of tangible presence, some sort of relief from pain. I hoped that it would act as a shield and protection around me, that it would stop the fiery arrows of the enemy from penetrating my heart. But that was not the nearness of God.”

Why Christians Need to Watch Out for Jordan Peterson (Video)

Todd Friel explains why Christians need to be very careful with the Bible teaching of Jordan Peterson (who has just released a teaching series on the gospels).

I’m No Gambler

Malinda is no gambler (except that in at least one way she kind of is, as she says here).

The Forbidden Woman and the Path to Death

“Recently, there was a video circulating amongst Christians on Twitter of a beautiful woman who earns her money online by recording as she approaches men and entices them into sexual activity with her. This video was of a young man, likely in his early 20s, working at a fast-food restaurant counter. The young man quickly refuses her advances and says, ‘I am a Christian, and I am waiting until marriage.’”

A Firm Foundation in an Uncertain World

“The smell of smoke filled my house. When I stepped outside, sixty-mile-an-hour winds blasted me with a tsunami of embers and ash. As I drove away, I could barely see past the hood of my car. Some of my neighbors’ homes were already ablaze. What started as a distant haze had quickly become a roaring inferno descending upon our quiet hillside neighborhood.” Jonathan Noyes tells about his firm foundation in an uncertain world.

Flashback: Big Sins Little Sins

My concern in all our emphasis on battling the sin of pornography is that we may trim the fruit without digging up the root, we may satisfy ourselves with what is actually a small measure of holiness.

The most loving thing we can do for people is to introduce them to Christ.

—Mack Stiles

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