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A La Carte (January 9)

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Westminster Books – Westminster Books is having a sale on many of their bestselling books of 2013. Now’s the time to stock up!

The Universe Had a Beginning – Stephen Meyer tells the story of how Hubble showed Einstein that the universe was not eternal but must have had a beginning.

School Wasn’t Canceled for Bad Weather in 1882 – According to The Atlantic, “a story from one of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s ‘Little House’ books proves we’ve all gone soft.” Obviously there’s more to the story than that, but it is interesting to note the contrast.

Google Hangout – I’ll be doing a Google Hangout with Ligonier Ministries on January 17. Feel free to drop by. (Check the link for details.)

What Would Polygamy Do? – What would the acceptance of polygamy do for society? It’s worth thinking about because it may not be too far off.

Reading the Bible Like Jesus – Thabiti: “Reading the Bible is difficult work. Or at least it can be if we intend to do more than simply read it for enjoyment or duty. There are many things we have to overcome in order to read effectively: the flesh, fatigue, distractions, time pressures from various sources, cold hearts, clogged ears and so on.”


There are no crown-wearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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