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A La Carte (January 8)

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May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

You can find today’s selection of Kindle deals on the appropriate page. Let me also remind you that I curate Kindle deals (and sometimes other book deals) at @challiesdeals. Also, all of the quote graphics I share are available for free download at

Westminster Books is offering steep discounts on many of its 2024 bestsellers.

American Religions: The Rise of Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses

“Many American Christians live among Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, but perhaps few understand what distinguishes them from historic Christianity. The origins of these groups in the religious ferment of nineteenth-century America illumines both their trajectories and the doctrines they came to embrace that place them outside the bounds of orthodox Christianity.” I am enjoying these longform articles from DG.

Is Eastern Orthodoxy the Next Big Thing for Young Men?

Trevin Wax considers whether a news story is accurate when it says there is a huge movement of young men to Eastern Orthodoxy.

How to be Both/And Gospel Workers

In Gary Millar’s new book, Both/And Ministry, he challenges followers of Jesus to be both/and people: both dependent on God and committed to hard work, both theologically driven and practically wise, both godly and effective. Get 25% off with code CHALLIES. (Sponsored)

Identifying Our Parenting Idols

“We can make an idol out of anything; so can our kids. But until we start to spot the idols in our lives, we can’t help our children see the false sources they turn to. Evaluating why we do what we do helps us identify our idols and subsequently turn from them.”

True Strength Starts With Weakness

Cindy Matson: “I doubt anyone will make the resolution to become weaker over the next year. The whole point of resolutions, after all, is to banish weakness and increase strength—whether physical, mental, or spiritual. While we must faithfully steward our minds, bodies, hearts, and emotions, Scripture actually teaches that weakness isn’t such a bad thing.”

Gratitude: Your Arm Is Not Too Short to Save

I really enjoyed Cheryl’s poem that proclaims the power of God.

The Danger of Driscoll in Me

John considers one of the keys to Mark Driscoll’s public downfall and realizes that he is prone to it as well. “Reading between the lines, it seems to me that his pride coupled with the frustration of criticism and perhaps also the irritation of working with leaders where there was a misalignment of vision caused Driscoll’s theology of mutual submission to change. I sympathize. I know the same impulse is in me.”

Flashback: The Danger of Being a Sermon Critic

It is better far to listen as a broken person than one who is convinced he is already complete, as a hungry man than one who is convinced he is already full. It is better far to listen from a position of need than a position of self-satisfaction.

The personal life of the preacher is the foundation upon which his every sermon stands. He certainly cannot expect to be used of God to change lives if his own life is stagnant.

—Michael Fabarez

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