Loving Him by Loving It – “To love someone means that you also love the things about someone. This is most true of our love for God. We love Him, and that leads us to love everything about Him. One of those things is His Word. To love God is to love his Word.”
Remembering Jesus – What does it mean to remember Jesus in the Lord’s Supper? This article explains.
PrayerMate – PrayerMate, my favorite prayer app, is now available for Android. It’s a bit stripped down compared to iOS, but it will be developing fast.
Finding God in Maximum Security – It was simple curiosity that guided photographer Serge J-F. Levy to New York’s Green Haven Correctional Facility in 2002. “Without having any personal predisposition to any religious activity but having a fascination with how people can work on their spirituality and healing their souls, I was interested in how this was happening in an environment that seemed to be everything but conducive to that,” Levy said.
Pastors Today – This new blog looks like it will be a helpful resource for pastors.
Mark Dever and Authority – I enjoyed reading about the ways Mark Dever passes out authority at his church.