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A La Carte (January 5)

Today’s Kindle deals include books by Paul Tripp and Christine Hoover, as well as a selection of general-market business books that may be of interest.

The One Trip to Plan for Your Family This Year

I’m getting really excited for the opening of the Museum of the Bible. Timothy Paul Jones writes about it here and interviews one of the key personnel. This is amazing: “This is the largest museum currently under construction in the world, so plan to block out a full day to see everything. Trust me, you will wish you had more time!”

A New Organ

Scientists have just discovered a new organ within the human body. Or, more properly, they’ve discovered that something they already knew about, the mesentery, ought to be classified as an organ. But here’s the problem: “Typically, anatomists classify organs not only by their continuity but also by a common function. The complete function of the mesentery remains a mystery.”

Am I Holy Enough to Take Communion?

Piper offers a helpful answer to a common question.

Where Is America’s Heartland?

We often hear the term “America’s heartland.” But what is it? The New York Times invites you to pick the map that best displays your understanding of it.

“America is a Christian Nation”

Speaking of America, Michael Kruger continues his series on taking back Christianese by looking at the phrase “America is a Christian nation.” Is it? And if so, in what way?

This Day in 1943. 74 years ago today George Washington Carver died. Born a slave, Carver overcame adversity and became a leading American educator and inventor. Carver ensured his life’s work would be a public reflection of his deep faith. *

The New

I use just about every day, so I’m glad to see this long-awaited update to their site. Everyone can access the ESV and, if you like, you can also subscribe to gain access to various study Bible and other tools.

Sales As A Noble Calling

I appreciated this article as a defense of Christians in sales. There’s a distinctly Christian way of being a salesman.

Why We Call a Dollar a Buck (Video)

A short video to explain why we call a dollar a buck.

Flashback: 5 Reasons We Eat Together as a Family

It was my final year of high school but my first year at Ancaster Public High School. I was in sociology class when the teacher asked this: How many people here eat dinner as a family at least twice a week? Two of us put up hands—me and the only other Christian in the class.

Resolve by the grace of God that you will have regular seasons for examining yourself and looking over the accounts of your soul.

—J.C. Ryle

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