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A La Carte (January 5)

NIVAC Software

The NIV Application Commentary series is on sale for Accordance, WORDsearch, Olive Tree and Logos. (Logos users will need coupon code NIVAC16).

We Are Getting Closer

Yes, we are! “We are closer to faith becoming sight and the day when we will walk in Immanuel’s land. Think about this truth: with the turn of the calendar from 2015 to 2016 we are that much closer to dwelling in the everlasting kingdom of Christ!”

10 Resolutions for Christian Parents

Greg and Grace Gibson share 10 important resolutions.

The 12 Golden Rules of Email Courtesy

12 rules may be a few too many. But I appreciate this article from T. David Gordon. If we could all abide by these rules, the world would be a better place.

I’m Thinking It Over

Alan Jacobs discusses his decision to withdraw from social media.

This Day in 1743. 273 years ago today, George Whitefield and Welsh Calvinist Methodists formed the first Methodist association at Wadford, Wales. *

Top Ten Risks to the World

“The Eurasia Group’s annual list of the political and geopolitical trends that threaten stability focuses on the weak relationship between the US and Europe.”

Inside Out: Outside Edition

Here’s a fun one: Inside Out without all the “inside” stuff. What’s funny is that it still stands as a cohesive enough story of a girl adjusting to a new life.


It is better to fail in the eyes of the world than to succeed without the Lord.

—Collin Hansen

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