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A La Carte (January 4)

Today’s Kindle deals are a bit of a grab bag, but there’s probably something there for everyone.

Logos users will want to check out the deals on works by Piper, MacArthur, Sproul, and others.

(Yesterday at the blog: The 100 Most Influential Evangelicals in America)

On Being a Christian Woman in the Year of Our Lord, 2018

Abigail writes what I think is a very important article: “If women are breaking down doors in order to use their gifts in the church, the solution cannot only be to teach men to open the doors. I agree that that is part of it. … But there’s another side to it: we must teach the women to act like Christian women, not door busters. We must teach them that the Christian life is not one of getting our way or forcing our plans or barging in—it’s one of dying daily, humble waiting, prayerful dependence, and unseen service where our right hand is ignorant of our left.”

They are Our Children, After All

“In a perfect world, Christian parents would teach their children the gospel, and it would be embraced quickly, and without incident. Children would go seamlessly from childhood to godly adulthood without a blip on the screen.”

How an Old Man Helped Save My Faith

I enjoyed reading Jason Dees’s brief autobiography.

‘Do Not Be Discouraged’: YouVersion Bible App Tops 300 Million Downloads

Nine years ago, YouVersion’s Bible app was one of the first 200 free apps in the brand-new Apple App Store. Within seven years, it had been downloaded 200 million times. In 2017, the Bible app reached 300 million installs.” What an amazing phenomenon.

When Is My Child Mature Enough to Leave Home?

Bob Kauflin writes, “Defining maturity biblically for our kids made the transition to adulthood much smoother. When they left home it wasn’t an act of independence or breaking free. It was the fruit of finally understanding how untrustworthy their hearts were. And at that point, we knew they were mature enough to send them out on their own — not because they were self-sufficient, but because they had embraced their need for the help of others and knew they had a Savior who would never fail them”

In Defense (Somewhat) of Self-Help

“Reformed evangelicals are often so eager to engage in polemics against culture that we often create a conflict that isn’t actually there. And in this case, we tend to create a conflict between common sense and faith. Self-discipline, forward-thinking, intentionality, awareness of one’s own weaknesses and strengths—how is any of this inherently frictional with Christian confession? If it’s not, then another question: Where is the theologically orthodox and accessibly literary body of Christian self-help literature?”

The Staggering Consequences of Neglecting Your Bible

“Often when we read the first Psalm, we are struck by the qualities of a life characterized by delight in God’s Word. The life marinated in the Scriptures leads to a life that is faithful to God.” But we need to turn it around as well.

Flashback: Reveling in Wrath

“Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts…” (Romans 1:24). He gave them up. More terrifying words have never been written.

I have put my soul, as a blank, into the hands of Jesus Christ my Redeemer, and desired Him to write upon it what he pleases. I know it will be His own image.

— George Whitefield

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