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A La Carte (January 31)


Blessings to you today.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Decay of the World and the Love of God)

Against Autonomy

“The modern story is one of autonomy: the path to human flourishing will be found in being most myself. I will achieve actualisation if I am my most authentic self, whoever that proves to be. At its very simplest it boils down to the Disney princess mantra, we follow our hearts.” This leads into what is quite an interesting article.

Why We Reread the Bible

“The Bible is not like other books. When we finish a novel or biography, we put it down and pick up something new. But many Christians complete a Bible reading and start right in again. For those new to the faith, this may seem strange.” Strange, indeed.

Leaders Who See the Lowly

This is so important: “Leaders who see the lowly and unimpressive are the kind of leaders worth following – and the kind of leaders we should want to become. This is because how we treat the lowly is truly a window into our character.”

Two Pillars for Starting Psalms

This interesting article explains the importance of Psalms 1 and 2 at the beginning of the psalter.


“Are you forgetful? I am. Reading through old journals and letters never fails to delight. Surprise. And confound. Highlighting my forgetfulness about experiences and facts from our personal history.”

FBC Jax Speaks the Truth in Love about Sexuality

You might have heard of how FBC Jacksonville found itself in the news recently. They responded by hosting a community Q&A.

Flashback: My Favorite Family Memory

I have no sweeter memory than the family gathered before the Lord, the family gathered to hear from him and speak to him together. I have no sweeter memory than of our family devotions.

Friend, never be comforted by how much worse of a sinner you could be. No sin is safe, no matter how small you perceive it.

—Garrett Kell

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