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A La Carte (January 31)

Today’s Kindle deals include a long list of titles. Zondervan gets to play hero today with a whole group of discounted books, some of which haven’t been discounted before, to my knowledge.

Also, for those who are interested, today is the release day of Biblical Doctrine, John MacArthur’s massive new systematic theology.

Where Are All The Skinny Jeans Pastors?

I haven’t read the book Kingdom Conspiracy so can’t recommend it the way Stephen McAlpine does, but regardless, this is an excellent article. He suggests a likely reason that there are fewer young men pursuing the preaching ministry than in former days.

Questions to Ask Before Posting to Social Media

I’m finding social media almost intolerable these days. If we heed Scott Slayton’s advice, it will help, at least! (See also Kevin DeYoung’s 7 Ways to Do Political Punditry Wrong.)

Dawn of Fire (Video)

Dawn of Fire is an exceptional little video that shows the battle between plant life and Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano.

But I Do, Dad

I really enjoyed this poetic tribute.

10 Things To Know About the Lord’s Supper

Sam Storms offers 10 things you need to know about the Lord’s Supper (based on 1 Corinthians 11:23-34).

A ‘Jealous God’ That Demands Blood And Generates Rage

That jealous God is Roe v. Wade, by the way. “The legacy of Roe v. Wade and its companion case Doe v. Bolton is a 43-year flight from reason and a society and political system distorted almost beyond recognition.”

This Day in 1892. 125 years ago today baptist preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon, also known as the Prince of Preachers, died in France. *

Boy Scouts: When Something Sacred is Lost

Grant Castleberry grieves over yesterday’s announcement from Boy Scouts that they are now permitting transgendered children to join. (Also, WORLD reports the news.)

Dead Air

“During his first few years on the air, talk show host Dick Cavett might have imagined his worst moment as a broadcaster would remain the night when actors Peter Falk, Ben Gazzara, and John Cassavetes showed up for a taping drunk and incoherent.” But it got worse than that the night a health food expert died on his show.

Primitive Technology (Video)

Primitive Technology shows how to build things out of just about nothing. The best part is there’s no talking. The videos will come in handy if you’re ever caught in the woods by yourself (with your phone and a strong Internet connection, of course).

The Reverend Dr. Iain D. Campbell

Here’s a wonderful tribute to Iain D. Campbell, who died last week. It does the heart good to read such an obituary.

We who gave God no rest on earth, asking for his blessing, will give him no rest in eternity, thanking him for his answer.

—Megan Hill

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