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A La Carte (January 30)


Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of good titles from Jared Wilson (his brand new one among them).

(Yesterday on the blog: Three Vivid Images of Unity in Diversity)

What Pastors Could Learn From Jordan Peterson

“Peterson provides a salutary reminder to the Church that preaching need not be considered a dying medium. Done well, preaching can speak into people’s lives with a force that few other forms of speech can achieve. Yet in seeking to recover the importance of preaching, preachers could also learn much from Peterson’s attention to humanity, his compassion, his gravitas, his concern for truth, his care over his words, his courage, and his authority. If Peterson can so powerfully resonate with certain fragments of Christian truth, how powerfully could a full-bodied presentation of Christian truth speak into the disorientation of contemporary society?”

2018’s Challenge

Kimberly Wagner tells how she challenges herself each year. Perhaps along the way she issues a challenge to you as well.

Four Reasons to Remember Your Creator in Youth

David Murray provides younger folk four good reasons to remember their Creator while they are young.

Re-Balancing Our Resources

“Public services such as healthcare, education and social services, under whichever government, have grasped that deprived areas need more resources in the hope of lifting people out of the kind of poverty that most people in Christian circles perhaps don’t even know exists in the UK any more. What concerns me, is that I see the opposite dynamic in the UK evangelical scene at the moment.”

Millennials, Free Speech, and Analog Learning

“Human nature craves absolutism and uniformity, not dissent and debate. Learning from books does not by itself stem this craving. Wisdom is not merely about form. But in analog learning, the relationship between me and the other is given definite shape and texture. The words will always be there, and it is my choice how to respond to them. By contrast, the internet temporalizes and commodifies thinking, so as to make the consumer as intellectually plastic and capable of more consumption as possible. This might mean, then, that shouting at millennials on Twitter to be more accepting of free speech is a loser’s cause. Recommending that they log off and read some books, however, might be a start.”

Does the Bible Teach Generational Curses?

“In short, no. In Exodus 20:4-6 the subject is idolatry. Regarding those who commit idolatry, we learn that God would visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Him. Notice, the text says ‘generations of those who hate Me.’”

A Few Thoughts on Steven Furtick’s Pillow & Promise Sermon

Garrett Kell tweeted a critique of a sermon by ultra-popular preacher Steven Furtick. Based on the response he decided to write a few more thoughts about it. It’s worth reading as a model of helpful sermon critique.

Flashback: Do You Believe God Will Save Your Kids?

There are few things I pray for with greater frequency or intensity than the salvation of my children. I long for them to be saved, and long to be able to be able to call them not only my son and daughters, but my brother and sisters.

The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion.

— John Wesley

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