CROSS 2015 – You and/or your church may be interested in the CROSS simulcast, which will go out live on February 27. It features John Piper, David Platt, Kevin DeYoung, and others.
The Meaning of Mundane Work – “Many Christians I speak with about work think that work is part of the fall. That work itself is a curse, but work is a reflection of God. Our Father works, so we work. That supercharges our work with all sorts of importance and meaning.”
Mobile Phone Contract – Here’s a mobile phone contract a dad had his daughter agree to before she got her first mobile phone. Not a bad idea.
Reflections on Adoption – I enjoyed these reflections from a proud father.
The Foremost – I haven’t had time to watch it yet, but wanted to make you aware of this new film.
Will Heaven Have Oceans? – Here’s an explanation of a tricky text.
The Adams – “After several miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy, Bryan and Robyn got pregnant with twins. Twenty-three weeks into their pregnancy, Robyn underwent an emergency c-section and gave birth to two little boys…”