Today’s Kindle deals include many volumes in the Christ Centered Exposition Commentary series which is great for general readers. You may also want to sort through the list of their monthly general market deals.
(Yesterday at the blog: Love Thy Body, a review of what I think will be one of the year’s top books.)
Beginning of the Year Check-In Questions for Christians
“Don’t leave your spiritual growth up to spontaneity. Make a plan. Now that we’re in 2018, here are some questions to ask as you formulate ways to grow.”
Why We All Struggle With Rejection
We all struggle with this, don’t we. Here’s why. “Deep down we all live with the constant and nagging sting of rejection. It’s for a good reason. We were rejected in the worst, most fundamental, unimaginable, unthinkable, soul shattering, way possible. We have been rejected by our Creator.”
What Sugar Does to Your Brain
Here’s an interesting look at what sugar does to our brains. I read it while sipping a Coke.
Millennials Can Leave Evangelicalism. But Not Its Pop Culture
Here’s the question behind this article from Christianity Today: “Does the cottage industry around Christian subculture nostalgia reveal the church’s failures—or its successes?”
An Incredible Invitation From the Creator of the Universe
“God wants me to be asking him for things all the time? He’s not too busy running the universe to hear my petty requests? I mean, I’m dust. Does he really want me to keep coming to him all the time with my needs and desires?” You betcha!
How to Read Through the Bible in a Year With Kids
J.R. Briggs discusses reading the bible in a year with his 10 year old son. “While Scripture reading is an important part of my daily rhythm and preparation to lead others in engaging the Bible, as a parent of two sons I’ve thought often about ways to seek out and implement opportunities to read the Bible with my kids. As our oldest son, Carter, turned 10 this year, I saw this as a significant year of his life—a rite of passage, moving from a kid to being a young man.”
How Airlines Price Flights (Video)
I’m taking a lot of flights in 2018, so was rather interesting in this look at the nearly-inscrutable pricing strategies of airlines.
Flashback: The Christian Introvert
Both introverts and extroverts will face particular temptations to sin. My temptation as an introvert is to run away from people instead of serve people. It is to be selfish instead of giving.