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A La Carte (January 3)

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Logos users will want to take a look at the New Year’s Sale which has discounts on some good resources. I’d also definitely recommend downloading this month’s free book.

Kindle deals seem to have recovered from their holiday mode! There are lots more to look at and consider this morning.

10 Benefits of Reading Your Bible Every Day in the New Year

This is an appropriate article to read in the early days of the new year. Whatever else you do this year, read your Bible!

You Never Know

“Too often we live waiting for the other shoe to drop instead of looking for unexpected blessings. As you make your resolutions and plans for the new year, consider taking on the mantle of hope. Take up courage. Determine to find the reasons for joy that will surely come— sometimes obviously, and other times cloaked in trouble. But come they will, if we are determined to welcome them.”

Six Missionaries Who Obeyed the Great Commission

Revive Your Church’s Love by Following the Great Commission. Watch These 6 Missionary Films With Your Sunday School, Youth Group, or Small Group to Rediscover the Church’s Purpose in Obeying Christ’s Call to “Go.” Now Available to Rent or Buy on Prime Video, Youtube TV, and Apple TV. (Sponsored)

Lonely in a Crowd

Madelyn Moses describes how she can sometimes feel lonely even in a crowd. “I am not alone,” she knows. “So why do I feel so lonely?”

The Pump Don’t Work Cause the Vandals Broke the Handle

Samuel James: “For all the ways in which mainstream society still rewards conformity and punishes those who diverge, it’s simply true that ‘nonconformity’ (which in many cases is mere conformity to an impolite standard) has never been easier or less risky than now. Think of a category of existence, and you can find dozens of laws, rules of language, political orthodoxies, and social dogmas that enforce consideration of and even deference to those who are different.”

You’ll Have to Be Patient

Ian Harber discusses four layers of patience: ordinary, relational, existential, and eternal. There is a lot to ponder there.

Knowing Christ in the New Year

This is likely to be the last article I share related to the new year! But it was both good and challenging, so I didn’t want to skip it.

Flashback: On Being a Heroic Man

Rather than waiting and pining for an opportunity to display your heroism on a world stage, be willing and eager to display it on a small stage. 

Everywhere the gospel message has gone, it has been the means of God transferring rebels out of the domain of darkness and into the kingdom of his Son.

—Tony Payne

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