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A La Carte (January 3)

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Worship Leader Resolutions – This is some brilliant and hilarious writing from Jamie Brown. “In this new year, I think all worship leaders can agree on a few resolutions that, if adopted, would dramatically improve the corporate/sung worship in our churches.” My favorite: “Octave jumps are so 2013. It’s time to take it to the next level in 2014 with the octave MONSTER jump. The octave MONSTER jump isn’t just one lame octave up. It’s two octaves up.”

Some Thoughts on the Reading of Books – Al Mohler shares some thoughts on reading. Here’s a favorite line: “I took books to high school athletic events when I played in the band. (Heap coals of scorn and nerdliness here). I remember the books; do you remember the games?”

Milestones in Ministry – Here, from Jared Wilson, are some milestones in ministry seminary can’t prepare you for.

14 Resolutions for Writers – “Okay, it’s a new year, and aspiring writers world-wide are mentally gearing up for finally taking the plunge into Wonderland – being published. Here are some motivational ideas to jot down before you move ahead…”

Strange but True in 2013 – Here some strange but true baseball feats from the 2013 season.

I Resolve to Mature Manhood – “Yet another resolution post? Not at all. This is a plea—an urgent call, of sorts—to my fellow brothers to chase something this year that is much more substantial than a gym membership, self-help technique, hobby, or hygiene etiquette—I seriously resolve to floss more every-single-year.”

Sin is not a splash of mud upon man’s exterior, it is a filth generated within himself.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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