Grace and peace to you from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.
Westminster Books has discounted some of January’s new and notable titles. Logos users, be sure to grab your free books of the month before the 31st!
Today’s Kindle deals include at least a couple of interesting picks.
Close-Call Survivor
“Staff Sgt. Halvorsen yelled for his men to take two shots and keep running, following orders to get downhill in the dark past German snipers and into the Belgium village of Mageret. As Halvorsen knelt to fire his own shots, his M1 rifle jammed. He jiggled the bolt to unjam it, when—phsht!—a German bullet hit him in the chest. He crumpled to the ground, and the Battle of the Bulge went on without him.”
Addressing Fraternal Disagreements in the Body of Christ
This matters as much today as it ever has. “Scripture does not require brothers and sisters in Christ to agree about everything, but it does place certain expectations on the way we are to disagree with one another. Biblical authors—and Jesus himself—seem to place a considerable weight on the way we disagree with one another.”
Kill Your Son, Abraham: Making Sense of a Shocking Command
Alex Duke does a good job here of explaining God’s command to Abraham. “Some folks really hate the Bible. Atheist Richard Dawkins is among them. Some folks, though, really love the Bible. And they don’t just love parts of it, they love every single word. And these folks aren’t naifs and Neanderthals who have accidentally survived into the 21st century. They’re not malformed or malicious. They’re just normal, born-again Christians.”
“Writing is a process: thinking, jotting down, rethinking, writing, rewriting, deleting, and ultimately stringing sentences that dance. Occasionally the words flow swiftly, but most often they are a roaring house on fire, a blaze needing to be tamed and greatly calmed, becoming more of a steady, crackling fireplace. A fireplace to serve the reader with truth and beauty and warmth.”
“The Lord God Almighty is our refuge. We shelter in Him. Abiding in Christ. Living in the shadow of His wings. He is the secret place where we can rest. And sometimes just be.”
Bearers Of Secrets
Andrée Seu Peterson: “We Christians are bearers of secrets. I feel that way all the time—whenever the snowbirds winter in Boca Raton and summer in Quebec while I stay stuck in town. Whenever the reflection in the bathroom mirror tells of a soon shedding of this mortal coil. Whenever memory mocks me by refusing to divulge a common household word.”
The Trinity EXPLAINS This! (Video)
“If Jesus is God, and Jesus is praying to God, then Jesus must be praying … to himself. Well, if that’s what you think, this video is for you. “
Flashback: Help! I’ve Fallen Behind On My Bible Readings!
If you are having difficulty finding the 20 minutes or so per day that it takes to read through the Bible in a year, you may simply need to identify and reduce some common distractions.