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A La Carte (January 29)

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Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

As the month comes to a close, you may want to make sure you’ve grabbed this month’s free and nearly-free books from Logos.

Today’s Kindle deals include a number of titles related to living the Christian life.

(Yesterday on the blog: What Can I Do To Repay My Debt?)

Winter’s Wait

What a great bit of writing by Mary Nolte! “Waiting is often hope deferred, an unanswered prayer that makes the heart sick. It is often a lonely place, fettered by a feeling that all those around are moving forward, their lives a picture of success and fulfillment while I remain stuck, unable to get past the thing I am waiting for. Waiting feels like so much anxious inactivity, convinced I must do something, but there is nothing I can do.”

Some Thoughts on Paul’s Doctrine of Christ’s Parousia

Kim Riddlebarger offers some really encouraging thoughts on Paul’s doctrine of Christ’s parousia. Well worth the read!

10 Things You Should Know About American Criminal Justice

Matthew Martens rounds up 10 things you should know about the American criminal justice system. It’s a system we all think we are familiar with because we have so often seen it on television. But, as he explains, we may not understand it nearly as well as we think.

Lead Your Heart

“It is popular to say (and mock) the cliché, ‘Follow your heart.’ And while I’d love to mock the idea with all of you, I thought it might be better to provide an alternative.” Yes, there is something much better to do with your heart than follow it.

Babel & the Sin of Glorifying Ourselves

“The great sin of the city of Babel is not tower-building, or unified labor toward a societal goal. The sin of Babel is the sin of seeking independence from God.” Justin Huffman applies this to the present day.

A Call for Churches and Individuals to Ministry Among the Elderly

Travis Moroney puts out the call for churches and individuals to prioritize ministry among the elderly. (On a similar theme, see A Standing Ovation for the Older and Wiser.)

Flashback: Kindness that Comes Too Late

I have always been glad that there was one person who brought out her alabaster jar and anointed the Lord before his burial. Most people would have waited.

Weekly, normative, ordinary means of grace gathered worship is one of the more extraordinary and radical things in the world.

—Burk Parsons

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