Authenticity, Honesty, and the Stay-At-Home-Mother – Here’s a challenge: “The mommy wars have made great advances in battling the false fronts of picture-perfect blog posts, where dinners always look fabulous, children are always beautifully dressed, and husbands always come home with roses. But we’ve replaced those filtered versions of our lives with other versions…”
Church Size – “If you are a pastor, church planter, or key leader, you need a healthy and theologically sound attitude for dealing with church growth, size, and numbers.” Here are 5 important things to remember when it comes to church size.
A Lukewarm Interpretation of Hot and Cold – “‘Because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.’ Here’s an interpretation of this often-misused verse.
An Interview with Ben Zobrist – I enjoyed this interview with Ben Zobrist. And I appreciated his token shout-out to the Blue Jays.
Good Piper Quotes – For years now this blogger has been mining funny and quirky quotes from John Piper’s sermons. This is the last batch.
The Historical Reality of Adam – Guy Prentiss Waters gives the lay of the land in the battle over the historical Adam.