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A La Carte (January 28)


I offer two brief reminders today: first, much of the daily content of this site is available in Spanish at; second, the quotes I share every day are available to download for free at SquareQuotes.

Westminster Books has the excellent Gospel-Centered Life Bible study series on sale.

Today’s Kindle deals feature some excellent books by J.I. Packer.

The God Who Has Been My Shepherd All My Life Long

Sometimes the simplest observations are the most encouraging, and that’s the case with this one from Paul Tautges.

On Epic Stands, Great Men, and the Church Catholic

Michael Haykin makes a very interesting claim here, and one he has come to after a lifetime of studying church history: “God never does a great work in the history of the Church except through a band of brothers and sisters. This is true of the Ancient Church, the Celtic Church and its powerful missions, the Reformation, the Puritans, and the Evangelical Revivals of the 18th century.”

Imagining Your “Well Done”

You may have heard about the idea of writing your own eulogy, then living in such a way as to make it true. Reagan Rose offers what may be a better alternative.

Holy Distractions

And while we are in the realm of productivity, here’s an article from Jon Bloom: “The ever-growing body of literature on productivity overwhelmingly agrees with what we all know by experience: interruptions reduce our productivity. So naturally, most of the literature focuses on ways we can reduce our interruptions because they distract us from productive work.”

Bible Study is Hard Work (And That is OK).

Bible study is hard work and Craig Thompson explains why that’s not a bad thing.

Good Medicine

Kristin shares a funny story and tells why such memories matter.

Flashback: God Hates Pride

Is there any trait more deceptive? Is there any vice easier to see in others, but harder to see in ourselves? We despise its presence in them, but defend its presence in us.

We think of suffering or feebleness as a misfortune. It is not altogether so, however, if it makes us dearer and brings us nearer to the heart of Christ.

—J.R. Miller

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