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A La Carte (January 28)


You just can’t go wrong with any of today’s Kindle deals. At Westminster Books you’ll find some solid reading material meant for teens and young adults.

Reminder: I’ve got a near-daily audio blog (i.e. podcast). Today’s episode is titled Jesus Wins.

(Yesterday on the blog: Think of Not Having Christ!)

Be Aware of Human Trafficking

I appreciate Randy Alcorn’s call to be aware of the scope of human trafficking and to pray against it.

3 Reasons Definite Atonement is Basic to Biblical Missions

Here’s a word about definite atonement (or limited atonement if you prefer) and missions. “In order to preserve the vibrant missionary zeal of men like Carey, it’s critical we view definite atonement not only as true but essential, forming the biblical basis of mission itself. Why?”

We pursue comfort. We spend ourselves to get more stuff. And we prefer to be entertained. But what kind of life is that really? It’s a far cry from adventurous and abundant, from truly rich and really full, and it’s certainly not the heights and the depths Jesus calls us to. Download a free copy of John Piper’s powerful book, Risk Is Right: Better to Lose Your Life Than to Waste It.

A Short Dictionary on Trinity Words

Wyatt Graham continues his “short dictionary” series with a list of Trinity words.

Cares and Consolations

Mike Emlet: “where do we go when the inescapable cares of our lives are multiplying? We look for and embrace the consolations of God. What are those consolations? It’s helpful to consider both ‘macro-consolations’ and ‘micro-consolations.’”

Brazil Investigates If US Missionary Encroached on Isolated Amazon Tribe

Here’s one to pray about: “An American missionary in Brazil is under investigation and possibly faces charges of genocide for entering protected lands inhabited by an isolated tribe in the Amazon.”

How Twitter Could Be the Death of Liberal Democracy

This one offers lots of to think about when it comes to social media (and Twitter in particular), even if you don’t agree with all the premises. “What Twitter shows us is a real-time ultrasound of the souls of America’s cultural and intellectual elite and its most committed activists — the people in charge of disseminating knowledge and who take the lead in organizing political action in our society. The picture it reveals is ugly, vulgar, shrill, and intolerant, with souls exhibiting an incapacity to deliberate, weigh evidence, and judge judiciously.”

Can the Blogosphere Be Reconnected?

If you’ve been reading blogs for a while, you may enjoy this journey into the past…

Flashback: The Character of the Christian: A One-Woman Man

This qualification is a call to devotion—devotion first to God and then to a God-given spouse. It is a call away from adultery to be sure, but also from a wandering heart, wandering eyes, or wandering hands. It is a call on each one of us to be pure and chaste, to be exemplary in character and conduct whether in marriage or singleness.

Sometimes the best we have to offer comes from our weaknesses, not our strengths.

—Darryl Dash

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