The “Let Us” In Genesis 1:26 – Here is an interesting answer to the question of whether the “Let us” of Genesis 1:26 is referring to the Trinity.
Who Is Jesus? – Westminster Books tends to have the best sales on Christian books. This week they’ve cut prices on books that are great to stock up on so you can give them away.
The Benefits of Membership – I have enjoyed all the entries in this series called A Pastor’s Reflections. This entry discusses the benefits of church membership.
William Tyndale’s Portrait – Steve Lawson has just finished a new biography on William Tyndale, and reflects on the portrait of Tyndale that hangs in his office.
My Baby’s Heart Stopped Beating – “Then I had an ugly moment. How come she gets to keep her baby but I don’t? She seems to hate kids. I love them. This isn’t fair.”
The Reason You Keep Forgetting Stuff – I’m not sure it’s the reason, but I’m sure it’s a reason.
When to Overlook a Fault – Here’s a little guide to know when to confront sin and when to overlook it.