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A La Carte (January 27)

Announcing the all-new PrayerMate v5

One of my favorite everyday apps has gotten an update. I was part of the beta test and have already enjoyed this new version.

Do Something Small For God

I think we all need these reminders from time to time. “We can feel like if we don’t do something great for God, why bother. Well, here’s what God says: ‘Do small things for me.’”

Prescribing Hospitality for Growth in the Christian Life

Here’s an interesting take on the value of showing hospitality to others.

Having Trouble in Ministry? Just Face It

How do you respond when there is trouble in life and ministry? Erik Raymond shows why you need to just face it.

11 Questions to Ask Ourselves About Debt

This is the kind of stuff Randy Alcorn does so well.

This Day in 417. 1,599 years ago today, Pope Innocent I condemned and excommunicated Pelagius. *

The Small Group Book for 2016

Westminster Books has quite a few items on sale including one they are calling “the small group book for 2016.”

The History of London

I’m not sure about the 40,000-year bit, but this is brief video history of London is beautifully done.

The Big Chill

Melissa Kruger: “We sit across the table from one another. Tears brim. I speak the painful words I have contemplated with so many: Sometimes the loneliness in marriage is lonelier than being alone. She nods.”


A sermon is not over when the minister says ‘Amen.’ Rather that is when the true sermon begins.

—Joel Beeke

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