If the Lord Marks Iniquity – R.C. Sproul: “The Psalmist asked the question: ‘If the Lord marks iniquity, who should stand?’ This query is obviously rhetorical. The only answer, indeed the obvious answer is no one.”
But God – “Revel in these two priceless words…”
Will Christians Be Allowed To Serve as Judges? – Denny Burk writes about an alarming bit of news from California.
Often Unnoticed Marks of Godliness – I enjoyed this one–a challenge for each one of us.
A Solid Worldview Won’t Save My Kids – Stephen Altrogge is exactly right: “Worldview is important, but it’s only one part of the equation. A biblical worldview helps a person think correctly. But we are not purely intellectual beings.”
2 Years to No Lies – You may not know how much you lie until you vow that you won’t do it anymore. There’s a good sermon illustration here.