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A La Carte (January 27)

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Those Dragons Underneath Our Beds – Matthew Westerholm shows that how we approach a situation reveals what we expect to find and then applies that to our approach to our worship services.

Music and Alzheimer’s Patients – This is a fascinating video which displays some of the power of music. A non-responsive Alzheimer’s patient listens to the music of his youth and is transformed.

Has Authenticity Trumped Holiness? – This is well worth considering: “Often, what passes for authenticity in evangelical Christianity is actually a safe, faux-openness that establishes an environment where vulnerability is embraced, only up to a point.”

Origins of Common Words – If you’re into words you’ll probably be interested in this collection of maps that shows the origins of common words.

The Shortest Commentary on the Bible – Here is the shortest commentary on the Bible: Each book of the Bible summarized in a single tweet. Some of them are very well done. Example: “Philippians: Even in chains, Paul is freer than wild horses. Even in prison, his joy is boundless as the skies.”

Dying Well – You should watch this video of Nick Magnotti who battled cancer for two years and whose faith was strong throughout. He went to be with the Lord earlier this month.


To accept Christ’s righteousness alone, his blood alone for salvation, is the sum of the gospel.

—Thomas Wilcox

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