Those Dragons Underneath Our Beds – Matthew Westerholm shows that how we approach a situation reveals what we expect to find and then applies that to our approach to our worship services.
Music and Alzheimer’s Patients – This is a fascinating video which displays some of the power of music. A non-responsive Alzheimer’s patient listens to the music of his youth and is transformed.
Has Authenticity Trumped Holiness? – This is well worth considering: “Often, what passes for authenticity in evangelical Christianity is actually a safe, faux-openness that establishes an environment where vulnerability is embraced, only up to a point.”
Origins of Common Words – If you’re into words you’ll probably be interested in this collection of maps that shows the origins of common words.
The Shortest Commentary on the Bible – Here is the shortest commentary on the Bible: Each book of the Bible summarized in a single tweet. Some of them are very well done. Example: “Philippians: Even in chains, Paul is freer than wild horses. Even in prison, his joy is boundless as the skies.”
Dying Well – You should watch this video of Nick Magnotti who battled cancer for two years and whose faith was strong throughout. He went to be with the Lord earlier this month.