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A La Carte (January 26)


The God of love and peace be with you on this fine day.

There’s a good little collection of Kindle deals for you to explore today.

(Yesterday on the blog: On Letting Your Kids Go)

A decade of musical worship

This is a very helpful series of reflections on congregational singing.

Do You Need Counseling? 6 Questions to Help You Discern

Eliza Huie: “If you’ve ever wondered if you might benefit from counseling, here are six questions to determine the answer.”

That Succinct Single-Sentence Summary

“What is the difference between one sentence and half an hour? That is a key question in preaching.” Peter Mead explains.

The Bible of “Trumpists”? Hardly.

“Over the weekend, sociologist Samuel Perry raised eyebrows by suggesting that the ESV is the official Bible translation for ‘Trumpists.’” Denny Burk responds to that ridiculous charge with a helpful post on Bible translations.

Matthew Anderson’s Rules For Success in the Ministry

I really enjoyed this one. “In his autobiographical Presbyterianism: Its Relation to the Negro, Anderson is careful to ascribe all of his success in the ministry to the good hand of God upon him, and to certain rules that he followed in his pastoral career. Here is the list of rules that guided Matthew Anderson’s ministry…”

How a Pagan Philosopher Came to Believe the Scriptures are from God

“It is noteworthy that throughout the history of the church many Christians have ascertained the divine origins of the Bible in yet another way: they read it. Rather than being persuaded through a deep dive into the historical evidences, many have come to believe the Bible is from God by observing its distinctive character and power.”

Flashback: A Message for Young Men

From the day he laid eyes on his beautiful little girl, he knew he would some day lead her down a church aisle to place her hand in another man’s. And so he began to pray for him.

No matter where you have been, what you have done, or what has been done to you, the grace of God can wash you clean, consecrate you as his child, and restore what sin has stolen.

—Garrett Kell

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