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A La Carte (January 26)

Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles cross several different categories.

Westminster Books has 50% off 25 of the top books from P&R Publishing. That includes some excellent titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: Quick Tips for Aspiring Bloggers – Three-Minute Thursdays #12)

Whole Church Care for the Elderly and Housebound

I think the real value of this article comes toward the end with the series of bullet-point observations.

Pray Shorter Prayers

“How many of us know ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ by heart, in the King James Version of Matthew 6:9–13, ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name … ‘? But before Jesus models prayer for us, he teaches us to pray in the two previous verses. And two thousand years of accumulated tradition and repetition may have clouded Christ’s expressed principles at work in his now-famous example prayer.”

The False Gospel We Don’t Talk About

“When we think of false gospels, a couple of common ones that raise to the top are the false gospel of works based acceptance and the prosperity gospel. In both cases, the gospel is false because our hope and trust is anchored in something other than the completed work of Christ.” Here’s a false gospel you may not have thought of before.

4 Assumptions Pastors Can No Longer Make About Church Giving Patterns

“The way people give is changing. If your church hasn’t felt the results of those changes yet, you will soon. If you are feeling them, you may be scrambling to figure out what’s happening, why, and what to do about it. The good news: everyone is experiencing this, or is about to. So you’re not alone in it. The bad news: everyone is experiencing this, or is about to. So even the usual lifeboats (denominational support, and so on) are less likely to be there when we need them. Since these changes in church giving patterns are so universal, the sooner we understand and adapt to what’s happening, the better.”

Too Busy to Love My Neighbor

We are a busy people and our busyness threatens our ability to love others. “As you think through your closest relationships and the opportunities you have (or the ones you want) to serve and love your neighbors, make sure your calendar and commitments aren’t working against you.”

Trials, Our Blessed Chauffeurs

“We don’t often think of trials as our servants. But surprisingly, they drive us from our insufficiency to God’s all-sufficiency. Like a spiritual uber driver, they chauffeur us to God’s blessings.”

How Could Jacob not Notice he Married Leah Instead of Rachel?

GotQuestions takes on one of the more baffling questions of the Old Testament: How could Jacob not notice he had married (and slept with) the wrong woman?

Flashback: The App of God

As one medium gives way to another, we do well to remind ourselves of what the Bible really is. Not a book, but something far better, and far more transcendent. It is the enduring words of God himself.

When you leave this world, will you be known as one who accumulated treasures on earth that you couldn’t keep? Or will you be recognized as one who invested treasures in heaven that you couldn’t lose?

—Randy Alcorn

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