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A La Carte (January 26)

Today’s Kindle deals include a book for parents, several of Holman’s Quicksource guides, and a title on apologetics.

Also in book news, we’re excited to announce that Cruciform Press is now partnering with Desiring God.

Abortion Over The Atlantic

Samuel James takes on that ridiculous article in The Atlantic that told blatant lies about abortion. “What Weigel wants the reader to believe is that pro-lifers have manipulated an inconclusive and imprecise technology to humanize the inhuman, and thus subjected the factual and scientific to the political. But isn’t that precisely what Weigel has done?”

Fake News

I tried to write about the phenomenon of fake news but couldn’t get the words out. This is roughly what I wanted to say. “In some ways, it’s difficult to me to take the controversy seriously, mostly because the folks who sound angriest are the same who usually ‘help’ the Church celebrate Christmas by running cover stories like, ‘The Truth about Jesus that the Church Doesn’t Want You to Know,’ then presenting a mind-numbing rehash about the Gnostic gospels that everyone has known to be fake for the past, oh, 2,000 years.”

The Threat of Joy In Ministry

You’ll want to read this one from Kelly Needham. “One thing is clear: Jesus’ teachings go against the grain of every human tendency. So it’s no surprise that His command NOT to rejoice comes at the most unexpected time.”

Does the Camera Really Add Ten Pounds (Video)?

Kind of. Watch the video for an explanation.

What Is Happening To Our Pastors?

This is sobering: “A pastor’s fall no longer impacts the local church alone (if it ever did). We live in the era of celebrity pastors whose platforms of influence stretch far beyond the walls of their local congregation, and who shake the earth when they fall off their pedestals.”

This Day in 1986. 31 years ago today Oswald J. Smith, founder of People’s Church in Toronto, died. He wrote 35 books which have been translated in 128 languages. *


This is a neat idea: Kind of like a Netflix for your Mac. You pay a monthly fee and get a lot of amazing apps (including Ulysses, which I use all day every day).

Keeping Short Accounts

One of my frequent prayers for myself and those I love is that we would keep short accounts. In this article, Nick Batzig explains what that is and why it matters.

Final Witness

David doesn’t know when he’ll die, but he knows the day will come. “I’ve been thinking about it off and on for several years, but it’s a job that is probably better done sooner than later, so I’ve decided to put my wishes on the record before it’s too late. I have some very particular ideas about what a Christian funeral should be, and I want to be sure mine will fit that description.”

Flashback: The App of God

We are transitioning from the printed book to the app. Will we some day speak of The App of God?

Nothing pleases God more than washing people clean from sin and giving them life in his son.

—Matthew Rueger

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