By way of FYI, I’ve been posting some short-form articles on Instagram. If you are on IG, you may enjoy them. So far I’ve got Don’t Be Reckless With Others Count Precious, You Just Can’t Have It All, and, most recently, Lessons on Parenting Little Ones. These are condensed forms of longer articles.
Some great books are coming out in the months ahead and Westminster Books already has some of their top picks on sale.
I added a couple of new Kindle deals yesterday and will press on in the search today.
How to Persevere in Winter Seasons
Stephanie Armstrong tells how to persevere even in those tough winter seasons (whether literal or figurative). “Some seasons in life can feel like a harsh winter. Maybe you’ve invested in a relationship only to be rejected without explanation. Perhaps the financial provision that once flowed freely suddenly dried up. Or maybe you’re facing life without a loved one this year and can’t imagine a day without the ache of loss.”
The Paper Dolls of Polyamory
Anne Kennedy explains how polyamory is now being lauded as a legitimate lifestyle choice (and why that’s so ridiculous). “If we have discovered anything in the past few years, it should be how quickly the thirst for knowledge goes sideways. It’s like everyone is Eve, chomping on every apple, even the ones that wormy and disgusting.”
Fish Story (Video)
Give me the John 10:10 Project over David Attenborough any day.
The Shame of a Prodigal Daughter
This is a fascinating look at the shame of a prodigal daughter and the goodness of God (in a culture that is not our own).
Seven Things Church Leaders Need to Consider
You may not agree with everything in this article, but I think it will provoke some thought. The author wants us to remember that while marriage will end, Christian brotherhood and sisterhood will remain forever. He thinks this should impact the matters we focus on and the ways we speak in the life of the church.
Seek God’s Face Before You Seek His Hand
This is a good little saying to keep in mind, isn’t it? “Seek God’s face before you seek his hand.” Sarah Walton explains it.
Flashback: How Much Money Am I Supposed to Give Away?
How much am I to give? Enough that it matters. Enough that I am sacrificing some comforts and some experiences I would otherwise enjoy.