Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good collection—several titles by New Growth Press as well as a book on Calvinism and a book by Michael Horton.
Christian Audio is having a $5 Bible sale.
Words Matter: Recovering Godly Speech in a Culture of Profanity
I’m glad to read this article that addresses a serious issue. “As Christian believers, it is critical that we view this modern profanity epidemic through the lenses of biblical truth. Now more than ever, when it comes to our speech, Christians must be decidedly countercultural.”
Biblical Success
Iain Duguid: “What does it mean to succeed? We typically think success involves reaching particular personal and professional goals—prospering financially, being respected by peers, raising a solid family, and so on. We measure success in terms of receiving honor, reaching the top, being admired, getting rich, or being noticed.”
The Inviting Nature of Christianity
There is a lot of power in a simple invitation.
Planned Parenthood’s Most Misleading Statistic
Joe Carter debunks Planned Parenthood’s most misleading statistic. (Also, Melissa Kruger discusses Abortion’s Guilt.)
This Day in 1844. 173 years ago today hymnwriter Fanny Crosby was one of 17 students from the New York Institute of the Blind to give a concert for the U.S. Congress. Here she recited an original composition calling for the education of the blind in every state. This earned her a personal congratulations from John Quincy Adams. *
Why Update a Beloved Translation?
You might enjoy this interview with Tom Schreiner as he discusses the new CSB translation. There are some interesting bits in there about the complexities involved in any translation.
Steve Lawson’s Bible Study
Steve Lawson is doing a (men’s) Bible study through Romans every Thursday morning and is livestreaming it. You can catch up with the first two and join in at his site OnePassion Ministries.
The Value of Christian Protest
Erik Raymond tells how Christians can and should protest. “Prayer is an under-estimated resource for affecting social change. Therefore, prayer is a powerful form of protest for Christians and one that should be more regularly ultylized.”
Flashback: How Much Money Am I Supposed To Give Away?
Do I give from my net income? My gross income? Or are these even the right questions?