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A La Carte (January 23)

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May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

There’s yet another selection of Kindle deals to consider today.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Greatest Beauty I’ve Ever Seen)

Pro-Life Challenges in the New Administration

Scott Klusendorf: “Pro-lifers today are awakening to serious worldview challenges that went largely unnoticed when Roe v. Wade was the law of the land. These challenges don’t replace the ones I wrote of during the previous Trump presidency; they represent additional challenges for 2025 and beyond.” (See also After Roe: What’s Our Job Now?)

The Ministry of Small Things

“Wanting to rise above the comfortable and predictable is far better than making an idol of our personal comfort and ease. But we don’t have to be notable or do notable things. In the pursuit of meaningful service for Christ, oftentimes the little things are the big things. I’d like to illustrate that with a reflection on pastoral ministry.”

Have You Considered? (10 Things to Think About)

“In the Bible, there are many things we’re told to consider. We’re encouraged to think and meditate on these things, and then also consider what it should mean for us. Usually the call to consider also includes the new way of thinking, believing, feeling, or living that should result from considering the facts. Consideration brings about change, but a failure to consider the truth causes us to stray in error or confusion.” Here are 10 good and helpful things to think about.

Did the Earliest Christians Believe in Inerrancy? (Video)

Timothy Paul Jones explains what the earliest Christians believed about biblical inerrancy.

Why Avoiding Pastoral Burnout Starts With Embracing Your Human Limitations

Here’s something for pastors (and others) to ponder: The fastest way to burn out in ministry is to believe it’s impossible for you to burn out in ministry.

How to Make Yourself at Home at (Almost) Any Church

There is some good counsel here—counsel that will help you make yourself at home in just about any church.

Flashback: What Does Your Faith Do For You?

In those times when life is difficult, in those times when sorrows are many and answers are few, in those times when life is not going the way you had hoped, the way you had planned, the way you had dreamed, what does your faith do for you?

We are justified freely, by grace; meritoriously, by Christ; instrumentally, by faith; evidentially, by good works.

—William Marsh

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