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A La Carte (January 23)

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Grace and peace to you on this fine day.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Soundtrack of Heaven)

“Back in My Day . . .” vs. “. . . For Such a Time as This.”

I think this is well worth considering. “When we pine for what we consider to be the relatively cut and dry, clear-thinking days in which we grew up, or for certain holiness-minded epochs of church history we read about, we might be revealing that our evaluation of the present is less Scripturally studied than we think, and that our understanding of the past suffers the same lack of Scriptural perspective.”

Sent to Need

I appreciate Stephie’s perspective on missions here, and the way she tells of God’s unexpected work.

You Are Not The Only One

“One of the reasons Christians run away is because they begin to think they are unique. Not special (though of course that does happen), but often people begin to think they are more broken than other people. Satan whispers, ‘no one will understand,’ and you begin to believe it. I’m writing today to remind you, you are not the only one.”

Dangers in Interpreting Circumstances

Dave explains and illustrates the danger that can come when we spend too much time and effort [wrongly] interpreting our circumstances.

To Lead Quiet and Peaceful Lives

The Bible instructs us to pray “that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” Mitch takes a look at that kind of prayer and what we’re actually asking for.

When Consequences Are Irreversible

We all sin and make mistakes. But “what do you do when your sin brings about irreversible consequences? What happens when there are effects from a sinful choice that you have to live with for a time?” These are the questions James answers.

Flashback: Greater Age Brings Greater Responsibility

Here we have five responsibilities that come to us by virtue of aging—the responsibilities of maturity, involvement, example, mentoring, and watchfulness. Embracing these responsibilities helps diminish the sorrows that come to all who live in this world.

Christian men and women are to be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord.

—Alexander McLaren

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