Spoiler Alert – This is an interesting one from Slate: “Children’s birthday parties are getting more and more extravagant. Here’s how we let it happen.” I have noticed this trend!
Going Paperless – This is a long but helpful guide on going paperless. It’s easier than ever!
What I Saw at the Abortion – Trevin Wax: “Ross Douthat linked to this first-person testimony from Richard Selzer, a surgeon, as an example of a pro-choice person who can’t ‘unsee’ what they’ve witnessed in an abortion.”
When You’re Prayerless – “Prayerlessness is not fundamentally a discipline problem. At root it’s a faith problem.” And it happens to all of us sometimes.
Under the Microscope – You know you want to see what some common objects look like under the microscope.
Patterns of Evidence – Here’s another review of the new documentary film Patterns of Evidence.
3 Leadership Lessons from Winston Churchill – Gavin Ortlund looks to Winston Church to find 3 important leadership lessons.