Hurry! – Yup. “Busyness is talked about a lot. We take on too much. We don’t say no to anything, because being busy makes us feel important. Look how much I’m doing! But for me? I rush because I’m lazy.”
The Prideful Pursuit of Humility – “Pride and self-doubt are really two sides of the same coin. One believes that we know better than God does, the other believes that he isn’t good or powerful enough to change us. Neither makes much of God, effectively bringing him down below us. The prideful and the self-doubters both believe they’re better than God, they just show it in different ways.”
Teaching and Preaching the OT – David Murray offers 7 tips for teaching and preaching the Old Testament.
Welcome to Seminary — Now What? – Dr. Mohler welcomes new seminary students. “To enter this seminary is to enter into a stewardship, and I know that every one of you will want to make the most of that stewardship. Theological education is a stewardship of truth.”
The Death of Witnessing – Leon Brown reflects on the ways in which our technologies may inhibit sharing the gospel with others.
Up for a Trade? – This is worth thinking about: “In our modern world, tradesmen are admired only when someone is in need of their expertise. … Society wants to relegate the trades to the unfortunate few that can’t stand working the checkout at Wal-Mart. In a way that is good for me because I have little competition. I don’t know a single reputable plumber who is not buried in work.”