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A La Carte (January 22)

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Today’s Kindle deals include a book for those with hurting hearts and another explaining why smart women settle. And more as well.

Westminster Books is featuring the Lexham Geographic Commentary series this week—a great resource to help you better understand the setting of Scripture.

(Yesterday on the blog: Must You Read at Least One Spurgeon Biography?)

15 Ways to Fight Lust With the Sword of the Spirit

Kevin DeYoung: “The seventh commandment is not just broken in this country; it’s being smashed to pieces. And sexual sin is not just an ‘out there’ problem. … So how in the world, in this world we live in, and with our sex-saturated hearts, can we obey the seventh commandment?”

Snowflakes: A Symphony of Intricacy and Beauty

This article seems especially relevant as much of North America endures a cold snap!

When Everyone Else Is Getting the Blessings You Want

There are special challenges that come to us in those times when everyone else seems to be getting the blessings we want. That’s what Lois Flowers writes about here.

Enough With the Valorization of Doubt!

Trevin Wax has had enough of the valorization of doubt. “The Christian life will sometimes involve dark nights of the soul, seasons of spiritual dryness, unexpected bouts of sickness and suffering, and intellectual hang-ups with some of Christianity’s most audacious truth claims. Struggle doesn’t mean you’re a bad Christian, just a normal one. Still, we’re never told to celebrate our doubts but to press through them toward a fortified faith on the other side.”

9 Guidelines for Developing a Culture of Evangelism With Your Church This Year

These are some practical guidelines for developing a culture of evangelism within your church. “Here is a list of guidelines I have found helpful in leading churches to develop a culture of evangelism that is biblical, practical, and owned by the members. Pastors must take the lead and set the example in their teaching, modeling, story telling, expectations, and providing training and outreach opportunities.”

The Promises of God in His Word

“When it all breaks down, when life seems to crumble before your eyes, as if the mountains fall right into the sea, where do you turn? What do you hold onto? Who do you look to?”

Flashback: The Murderer Who Crushed a Worm

F.B. Meyer reminds us of the sobering truth that hearts grow hard slowly and over time, first through small acts of defiance and only later through more serious ones. 

How few are converted in old age! A twig is brought to any form, but grown trees will not bow.

—John Flavel

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