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A La Carte (January 22)

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Good morning. The Lord be with you and bless you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a long and impressive list of titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: When Fruit Does Not Spring Up)

Dancing in an Empty Theater

This is a strong article from Brianna Lambert. “The dirt trail curved through the tall grass in front of us. My husband and three kids scampered ahead towards the entrance of the canopy of trees. As I padded behind them, my eyes caught a streak of red amidst the stalks of green off the trail. Poking up between the grass, two beautiful red flowers flashed their petals in the August sun.”

Do You Assume Motives?

Kevin asks a really important question here: Do you assume motives? “In recent days, it seems as if several conversations have come down to the issue of assuming motives. Possibly you have been on one side of this or the other, where in a particular situation, one person guesses the other person’s motives. Often this leaves one or both parties frustrated, especially if the motive guessed is the furthest motive from reality.”

Why I’m a Better Pastor (For You) Than…

John Beeson explains why he’s a better pastor for you than a lot of other people. I agree with him!

Orthodoxy Is a Friend of the Young

“At a casual glance, it appears that today’s progressivism is largely driven by older generations. Grey-haired protestors glue themselves to motorways, and tubby vicars with hearing aids revel in all the ways a man can pretend to be a woman. This poses an immediate challenge to a young person with a conservative bent. His instinct, indeed his principle, is to listen to and respect his elders; but many of those elders despise all that he holds dear.”

The Lord’s Supper Is Not a Pot Luck

Ryan helpfully distinguishes here between the Lord’s Supper and a potluck. That may sound a little trite, but I think it’s a helpful way to consider the two.

Consider Your Attitude to the Local Church

“All of us have different experiences of church. We can get frustrated with other people or tired from our service. We can feel as if no-one speaks to us or overwhelmed that there are too many people to speak to. We can notice all the problems with our local church on some days and rejoice at God’s goodness to our local church on others.”

Flashback: When You’re at Your Best, Plan for Your Worst

It is when we are not being tempted, it is when we are standing strong in the Lord’s grace, that we ought to consider the times we will be weak and tempted and eager to sin. 

One of the chief purposes of trial and affliction, is to make us send for our Savior.

—Theodore Cuyler

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