Do’s and Don’ts of Welcoming Guests – “Have you been in your church for so long that you’ve forgotten what it’s like to enter the building for the first time? Do you want to make guests feel welcome, but need help seeing your congregation through new eyes?” Here are some good tips.
By Thy Mercy – Indelible Grace’s album By Thy Mercy is free for a week at NoiseTrade. That’s quite the bargain!
Book Sale – Westminster Books has some good sales this week, including Resisting Gossip, a book I greatly enjoyed.
The World Needs Pastors – Owen Strachan points to a piece David Brooks wrote for the New York Times while also offering some commentary.
Encouragement for Revitalizers – One local pastor whom I respect has interviewed another local pastor I respect on the subject of church revitalization. It’s a good interview!
Sacred Marriage: Not the Last Word on Marriage – The central point of Gary Thomas’ Sacred Marriage is a good one, but this article shows why there is more to the story than, “What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?”
An Autistic Man’s Gift – I enjoyed reading this article from the Toronto Star: “An Edmonton father starts a business with his 24-year-old son, who can’t read or talk but can figure out how to put together complex furniture.”