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A La Carte (January 21)

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A Softer Prosperity Gospel – David Schrock outlines five trademarks of a soft version of the prosperity gospel, particularly as they show up in sermons and books.

Ask R.C. Live – Tonight at 7:30pm EST, R.C. Sproul will be live online via video answering your theological questions. Click the link to find out how you can ask a question and how you can listen in.

Speaking in Atlanta – If you are in or near Atlanta, you might be interested in this session I’m leading on Thursday night.

A Good Lesson From A 95-Year Old Warrior – Mark Altrogge learns a good lesson from a 95-year old warrior.

Brothers, We Are Not Amateurs – There is some food for thought here: “Yet, never before in the history of the church has theological education been so accessible, and never before has it been so needed. Advanced technology, innovative delivery systems, and proliferating resources all make being a ministerial amateur—as a permanent state—inexcusable.”

Prepare to Share – There are lots of good ideas to encounter and consider in this article from Tony Payne.


If we desire to be holy, we must seek to be happy in the Savior’s love.

—John Berridge

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