I am off to Houston today for the Truth in Love Conference. I look forward to meeting some of you there!
Those on the lookout for new Kindle deals will find a few today.
The Church of England Takes a “Third Way” on Gay Marriage
Carl Trueman: “The solution is, of course, no real solution. Fine distinctions—particularly fine distinctions that attempt to soften the opposition between the contemporary cultural consensus on gay marriage and Christianity’s understanding of the same—are unlikely to be sustainable for any extended period of time.”
Kiss the Son, But Not Like Judas
“When we understand the worth, glory, and authority of the Son of God, the notions of submission and allegiance to him are reasonable in every way. He’s King of kings, Lord of lords. The Son’s identity is what makes Judas’s kiss so outrageous.”
The Gospel Coalition Conference 2023
Join us September 25—27, Indianapolis, IN. With worship led by Sydney, Australia’s CityAlight and keynote speakers including John Piper, David Platt, Andrew Wilson, and many more, we’ll explore the theme, Hope in the Wilderness: Encouragement for Pilgrims from the Book of Exodus. Find out more about our theme, full lineup and breakouts. (Sponsored Link)
When Your Job Feels Meaningless
Reagan Rose has quite a lengthy on what to do when your job feels meaningless.
Do Those Who Never Hear of Christ Actually Go to Hell?
“When Beth and I served overseas, we would be met with vacant expressions by a few who were stunned that we actually believed in a God who would send people to Hell. If this topic was unpopular 40 years ago, it is more so today.”
The Old Testament sacrifices teach us a great deal
This article considers what we may miss by not actually seeing sacrifices.
Flashback: We Prophesy Grief, Not Grace
The future we imagine, and the future we begin to feel, is far more often bleak than lush, far more often painful than promising. The fantasies we conjure are of harm, not help, of sorrow, not support.