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A La Carte (January 20)


Today’s Kindle deals include a diverse collection of books.

(Yesterday on the blog: How We Worshipped One Sunday in January)

10 Ways Porn Culture Will Target Your Kids in 2020

You’ve just got to be aware of all that ways porn culture targets your kids. “So let’s get to know the enemy so we can gear up for those battles! Here are TEN things to look out for this year as you raise kids in a hypersexualized porn culture AND what you can do about it!”

Evangelical Popes: How Scholars Can Steal The Bible from People

This one is brief but helpful. “The implication is ‘you can’t understand the Bible on your own, so let the scholarly experts explain it to you.’ The result is that the supposed experts are in effect stealing the Bible from the people in the pew.”

The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Be a Christian

“Every day, 8 Christians worldwide are killed because of their faith. Every week, 182 churches or Christian buildings are attacked. And every month, 309 Christians are imprisoned unjustly. So reports the 2020 World Watch List (WWL), the latest annual accounting from Open Doors of the top 50 countries where Christians are the most persecuted for their faith.”

How Christ Is the Centre of Scripture

I’m sure you’ve heard that Christ is the center of Scripture. Wyatt Graham explains what that means.

American Sports’ Battle for China (Video)

When you begin to exhaust the audience in America, you turn to other countries…

The Role of Emotions in Saving the Preborn

“God has given us an advantage that we can make better use of in our appeals to those who are pro-choice: emotions. Despite the presence of sin, humans are still emotional beings who love, weep, and rejoice. We’re compelled not only by factual arguments, but also by what our various senses tell us. These sensory experiences, in turn, inform our emotional responses.”

Sharing Jesus with a Jehovah’s Witness

Sharing Jesus with a Jehovah’s Witness? Here are some tips on doing it effectively.

Flashback: Reading Out of Love for Others

Even though reading is a solitary pursuit, it is not necessarily a selfish one. Reading can actually be an important way to love others. Here are five ways to love others in your reading.

To come under conviction is evidence of the Spirit at work. To experience the heaviness of our reluctance to confess is a gift of God.

—Nancy Guthrie

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