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A La Carte (January 19)

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The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 

Westminster Books has a sale on the third volume of Jonathan Gibson’s devotional trilogy that follows the liturgical calendar.

There is yet again a small collection of Kindle deals for you.

Normalizing LGBTQ Pornography

This is very troubling. Hopefully you have one of your four monthly articles from World to read it. “Pornhub is coming for our children and our men.  A recent undercover investigation reveals the nation’s largest pornography distributor welcomes pre-teens and attempts to sway straight men toward LGBTQ pornography through gradual integration of unorthodox material.”

Dear ChatGPT Users

Ashley Kim asks some thought-provoking questions about ChatGPT and the potential cost of committing ourselves to use it. “I want to address Christians who have a casual relationship with ChatGPT―Christians like you, perhaps, who might not have any grand ambitions beyond maximizing the efficiency of drafting emails or curating search results. No big deal, right?”

The Gates of the City

T.M. Suffield looks at Revelation’s strange description of the New Jerusalem (e.g. the fact that it’s said to be a giant cube) and digs into its beautiful symbolism.

What Is the Most Important Thing Taught in the Bible?

Shane Rosenthal offers a perfect answer to a big question. “What do you think every Christian should place at the very top of their list? What biblical idea should be considered the thing of first importance?”

Digital Detox, Intentional Ignorance, and the Proximity Principle

I can’t deny that I’ve become skeptical that anyone successfully lives by such principles for long. Still, I appreciate what Seth Troutt says in this article and what he prescribes. “For Christians to thrive in the modern era, there are two spiritual disciplines we must adopt: Digital Detox (fasting from screens) and Intentional Ignorance (fasting from information).”

Burial vs Cremation

A couple of days ago, TGC published an article by Justin Dillehay that made the case that, while the Bible does not forbid cremation, burial better represents the Christian view of death and resurrection. See “Cremation or Burial: Does Our Choice Matter?” Stephen Kneale countered this with his perspective that the Bible offers us freedom on the matter. See “Cremation or burial: why I’m not convinced it matters nearly as much as some think.” This is a helpful pair of articles when considering an issue we all need to face.

Flashback: You Just Can’t Have It All

… though we know perfection is impossible, don’t we all sometimes still grow frustrated at the sheer messiness of Christian individuals and Christian churches? Don’t we all sometimes face the temptation to pack up and move on when our fellow believers act like the sinners they are?

Alas! for those who while trying to prove that Jonah was never swallowed of a whale, themselves get swallowed of the whale of unbelief, which digests but never ejects its victims.

—De Witt Talmage

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