It is an okay day for Kindle deals with quite a few available options, several of them Puritan classics.
Keeping Primary Attention on Life’s Main Focuses
Vance Christie tells a story to bring out a valid point.
The English Reformation: England’s First Brexit
You’d need to know more about church history than I do to really evaluate this article. But I found the connections between Brexit and the English Reformation to be rather interesting.
10 Things You Should Know about the Priesthood of All Believers
Our role as priests—a role that includes both male and female—is a premier theme throughout Scripture. In tabernacles, temples, sacrifices, and cleansing rituals, God comes close to people, and invites us to be near to him. (Sponsored Link)
Should Followers of Christ Use Recreational Marijuana?
This is a pressing question in many parts of the world now. Kevin J. Vanhoozer offers a good answer.
The Sad Tale of The Dionne Quintuplets
Here’s the sad and tragic tale of Canada’s Dionne quintuplets.
The Deficient Great Commission
“To be sure, the main focus of the great commission (Matthew 28:16-20) is to make disciples. We know this because in the Greek, the only imperative (command) used is for the word for making disciples. But there are other instructions in the great commission that serve this central theme. There are other aspects of the great commission that must be obeyed if we’re going to be faithful to the mission.”
Is the Kingdom of God Here?
Is the kingdom of God here? Is it still to come? Has it come and gone?
The Struggles of the Christian Life
“Struggles are a significant part of the Christian life. If our view of God and life is too simple, then it can lead to frustration and fear.”
Flashback: With Greater Age Comes Greater Sorrow
With every day, with every year, we see and experience in greater measure the consequences of sin in the world around us—death, destruction, disaster. It adds up to a great weight of sorrow.