Google Hangout with Ligonier – Today at 4 PM EST I’ll be doing a Google Hangout with the folk from Ligonier. If you’re interested, visit the link and you’ll be told how you can participate. It should be fun!
Dear Daddy in Seat 16C – This is a sweet article.
Alone Yet Not Alone – I don’t pay much attention to the Academy Awards, but a reader pointed out something interesting. In the category of Best Song you’ll find “Alone Yet Not Alone” which is performed by Joni Eareckson Tada. Google the song and you’ll see that it’s considered the least likely nomination of the year (and perhaps of all time).
In Praise of Fat Pastors – You’ll appreciate this article once you understand what Jared Wilson is not advocating. (Warning: once you see Joel Osteen with his shirt off, you can’t ever unsee Joel Osteen with his shirt off.)
Teach Your Children to Hate Ministry – Ed Stetzer offers 5 ways to teach your children to hate the ministry.
A Letter to the Family of My ICU Patient – This is well worth reading and remembering.
Heaven: Better Than Sex? – Tim Lane’s imaginary conversation: “Jesus, you have to help me out. Are you really telling me that there is something better than sex? Jesus: Is your imagination really that limited? Your fantasy life is dull and boring. Let me tell you about something far greater than sex.”